About me and my proffesional journey

You may not all be aware that I am from Israel and have studied in Tel Aviv university for both my Batchelor and master’s degrees in Physiotherapy. I have been lucky enough to work in world renowned Rehabilitation Centre – Beit Lowenstein, where I have treated patients with various neurological as well as Orthopaedic conditions.
A few things I have picked up there over the years:

  • Seeing the patient as a whole – It is highly recommended to deal with a case through a collaborative multi-disciplinary professional team who can share their diagnostic findings, discuss the patient abilities and set a functional goal that would meet the patients’ needs and wishes.
  • Movement, movement, movement – Of course, we include goal-oriented exercises as part of the functional target.
  • Hands on – Nothing can be as effective as manual therapy to help the patient in dealing with pain and limited range of motion. By applying manual therapy techniques, we improve the patient’s capability to exercise, to gain strength, flexibility and ROM.
  • Talking with our patients – while respecting the patient’s culture and individual needs, we aim to provide the patient with explanations to make them aware of what has happened, how it will influence their future life, and generally what to expect. But, we always give them a choice.
  • Knowledge and assimilation- We are keen and curious practitioners. We always wish to learn more for the benefit of our patients and eager to implement what we’ve learned in our treatment routine

Today, living in the UK, I am seeking to deliver courses that I have personally undertook and that made a significant difference in my own practice; courses that made me stand out as a physiotherapist and have helped me improve functional results, leading for better patient satisfaction.