(“This course is not run or managed by the University College of Osteopathy, and the University College of Osteopathy does not in any way endorse the course content of any external provider”).

About course

The upper neck is a unique spinal anatomical region that requires a special clinical approach in rehabilitation. It is a very mobile region with highly accurate and sensitive motor skills and with important neurological connections to the vestibular, ocular and trigeminal nervous systems. Noxious stimuli & dysfunction in this region may quite easily lead to craniofacial pain (Cervicogenic Headache) and sensory-motor complaints such as dizziness.
This region tends to respond well to manual therapy techniques combined with specific therapeutic exercises.

In this course, participants will learn an effective evidence-based assessment & practical management of people with musculoskeletal pain and dysfunction in their CC region

Pay a deposit £100.00 Balance payment will be required on August 1, 2023

Learning outcomes

After completing to course participants will be able to:
*Know the up-to-date scientific background of musculoskeletal pain & dysfunction in the CC region (Mainly Cervicogenic HA & cervicogenic dizziness)
*Recognize signs & symptoms of serious medical problems (none musculoskeletal) in people with headaches/Dizziness and will know how to respond accordingly
*Practically know how to assess, evaluate & recognize common clinical patterns in people with musculoskeletal pain & dysfunction in the CC region (Mainly Cervicogenic HA & Dizziness)
*Practically use a relevant clinical reasoning model of management in people with cervicogenic HA & Dizziness
*Effectively & safely treat people with cervicogenic HA & dizziness

Pay a deposit £100.00 Balance payment will be required on August 1, 2023


“The CCMA was founded by Dr. Tzvika Greenbaum, a Physiotherapist since 2004, with a Bachelor degree in Physical Therapy from Haifa University (Israel), a combined clinical Master degree in Musculoskeletal & Sports fields from the University of South Australia (2006) (Australia) and a PhD in Physiotherapy in the field Cranio-Cervico-Mandibular rehabilitation from Tel-Aviv University (2020).During and following his studies in Australia, Tzvika has developed special interest and expertise in the presentation of cervical spine disorders, such as neck pain and cervicogenic headaches, as well as cranio-mandibular pain. Throughout the years Tzvika has continuously been learning from leader professionals and researchers in the above field such as Dr Dean Watson (headache clinician and researcher) and Prof Deborah Falla (cervical spine and headache researcher).
Today, Tzvika in involved in various professional activities.
These include his work in private practice in the Herzliya Medical Center Experts clinic (link) where he mainly treats patients with neck & back pain, headaches and temporomandibular disorders; academic teaching in both undergraduate (2011) and post-graduate (2018) physiotherapy programs; and other continuing education courses (internationally) for physiotherapists, dentists, and other health professionals, specifically in the topic of rehabilitation of people with neck pain, headache, and temporomandibular disorders. In addition, Tzvika is a certified dry needling instructor of the international David G Simons Academy (DGSA) (2014) and has been teaching dry needling worldwide, and has recently developed a unique dry needling Master Class (one day) for Orofacial pain and headaches, based on his clinical experience, research and clinical guidelines.
Tzvika’s completed his Ph.D. studies at Tel Aviv University, at the Faculty of Medicine. Specifically, his research project was done in collaboration between the physiotherapy department (School of Health Sciences) and the School of Dental Medicine of the Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University in Israel. In his prospective longitudinal study, Tzvika studied the relationship between specific temporomandibular disorders and impaired upper neck performance as well as the prevalence and incidence of cervicogenic headaches among patients with temporomandibular disorders. This work was published in leading journals in the physiotherapy (Musculoskeletal Science and Practice)and dentistry (European Journal of Oral Science) professions and Tzvika has presented his work in various conferences worldwide (2019 World Conference of Physical Therapy and 2017 Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Orofacial Pain). Nowadays Tzvika is involved in an international research project that is assessing the muscular performance of mouth openers and closers as part of his post-doctoral studies.

Target audience

  • Physiotherapists, Osteopaths, Chiropractors


The course content will be delivered before the course.
Food and refreshments are included.

Extra Info

With Abilitee’s unique, niche international courses, you’ll stand out as a top tier health practitioner

Pay a deposit £100.00 Balance payment will be required on August 1, 2023


Day 1

    • 8:30-9:00
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    • 9:00-11:00
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      Clinical-oriented scientific background:
      *Clinical anatomy of the cervical spine (upper neck emphasis)
      *Epidemiology of neck pain
      *Upper neck disorders and the sensory system
      *Upper neck disorders and the motor system
      *Upper neck disorders and the vestibular system
      *Contributing factors to neck disorders
      *Psychosocial factors in people with neck pain

    • 11:00-11:30
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      Morning coffee

    • 11:30-13:00
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      Clinical reasoning of common upper neck-related clinical patterns: Cervicogenic Headache, Cervicogenic dizziness, the potential involvement of upper neck in primary headaches (tension-type & migraine)

    • 13:00-13:45
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    • 13:45-15:15
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      Assessment & therapeutics of the upper neck: topographical anatomy, Deep neck flexors assessment, and rehabilitation

    • 15:15-15:30
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      Coffee break

    • 15:30-17:00
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      Assessment & therapeutics of the upper neck: Occ-C1 segmental assessment and treatment

Day 2

    • 8:30-9:00
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      Summary of Day 1

    • 9:00-11:00
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      Assessment & therapeutics of the upper neck: C1-C2 segmental assessment and treatment, Cervicogenic Dizziness assessment & treatment

    • 11:00-11:30
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      Morning Coffee

    • 11:30-13:00
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      Assessment & therapeutics of the upper neck: C2-C3 segmental assessment and treatment

    • 13:00-13:45
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    • 13:45-15:15
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      Assessment & therapeutics of the upper neck: soft tissue assessment and treatment (sub-occipitals, Upper trap, splenius capitis, SCM)

    • 15:15-15:30
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      Coffee break

    • 15:30-17:00
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      Real case study demonstration & brain storming.
      End of course

Frequently Asked Question

    Pay a deposit £100.00 Balance payment will be required on August 1, 2023